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Formation à distanceÉtudesCours à distanceInformation Systems and Technologies

SIO-1101 Information Systems and Technologies

3 crédits / 1er cycle


The goal of this course is to prepare managers to face information system management in their business, to give them the essential information technology tools. The course touches the large spectrum of information system characteristics and the information tehnology infrastructure. Special care is given to current trends in the information system and technology domain, including : Internet use in business, the digital firm, e-commerce, strategic information systems, corporate systems (ERP), information security, knowledge management, and decision support tools. However, the focus is on business opportunities, success, and possible failures. This brings the student to face current trends, preparing them for their information systems needs in business.

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Faculté : Sciences de l'administration

Courriel :

Département : Département des systèmes d'information organisationnels

Courriel :